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Free To Play

Free to Play is an exhibition consitings of a series of custom musical intruments that I created. The idea was for the guests to freely pick up the instruments and play them. Not only does it encourage people to step out of thier comfort zones within a gallery but also to show how simple instruments and instruments in general are easy to produce and easy to play. I enjoyed creating and showcasing this exhibit. It had a great turn out and I was overjoyed by the end results. Below are image of the intruments and the exhibition.  

Jaw Harp

Often known as the Jew's harp, the jaw harp is considered a very old instrument having ties to many different cultures. The idea is to use the mouth as a cavaity to hold the sound and by changing the shape of the mouth or movement of the tounge will alter the sounds being produced.  

Mouth Bow

The mouth bow is very similar to the jaw harp. It is played in the same way yet you pluck a string instead of metal or bamboo. another difference is the ability to change the tone of the string to fit into any tune or chord progression. 

Rhythm Bones

The bones are and old percussion instrument that to me sound like tap shoes on your hands. Beginners start with one pair and work up to playing with two pairs having one in each hand.


The Tele-synth is a custom synthesizer I created using an open source chip called an Arduino. The synth has about 5 different sound settings that can be changed with a button. it is quite fun on its' own but works exeptionally well when hooked up to an effects pedal 

Since each instrument has a certain teqnique needed to play it, I designed these non-verbal intructions to help guests learn how to play. Of course I was also there to verbally express the instructions. 

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